Welcome to Mod_Aaron's SpellBook Tutorial!
Requirements: You must have completed Desert Treasure Quest, and for lunars, please complete Lunar Diplomacy, (you can view guides about these).
1) Teleport to falador.
2) Head towards the big bank.
3) Head a little further to the right and the altar should be there.
4) Click on the altar to switch spellbooks, and voila!
Thanks for looking at my guide, and see you next one!
Requirements: You must have completed Desert Treasure Quest, and for lunars, please complete Lunar Diplomacy, (you can view guides about these).
1) Teleport to falador.
2) Head towards the big bank.
3) Head a little further to the right and the altar should be there.
4) Click on the altar to switch spellbooks, and voila!
Thanks for looking at my guide, and see you next one!